Also how do I promote empathy?
Support could be rendered by creating opportunities to raise student's awareness and model for them so that empathy would be "Caught by and NOT just taught to" them. As aptly shared by a retired principal on her daughter’s reply in their conversation, “For me, I learnt from your words and actions. You preached kindness and respect and I saw you practicing it as you interacted with staff and students ... So as a child, I learnt that joy was the result of treating people with kindness and respect. I think that really shaped me.” (
Tell and show students stories that could be easily found in YouTube as all children loves stories.
Many of the students whom I supported have cognitive skill deficits. Introducing students to the various technology tools that could aid them in organizing, planning, collaborating and self-management. Guiding them to discover for themselves the gaps in their skills (identify gaps) and find ways to overcome (problem solving). For example facilitating them to explore how online dictionary or the use of 'TTS' can aid them when faced with the pronunciation of unfamiliar words; this been an actual scenario that I have experienced when supporting a group of primary three students.
As students are presented with mass of cross multi-disciplinary information, it is important to help them "connect the dots" between the individual subjects’ content. Helping students to find relevance to their learning so that there is association of knowledge to their daily experiences. For example guiding them to use technology to visually document and journal the contents and the interconnectedness of their learning.