With so many hi-tech tools readily available over the internet, we need to be careful in our choice of technology used for supporting learning. Using the appropriate tool(s) for the job is important! Always remember to do our gap analysis and know where are the targeted concerns.
What is an e-Portfolio? And Why do e-Portfolio?
A google search revealed that there are three types of e-Portfolio namely developmental, showcase, and assessment.
It is a "digital space" where students' work samples are gathered and put up on display. Also, a place where students can showcase and demonstrate their knowledge, skills, learning process and progress. Teachers may use this collated evidence to monitor and assess their students.
e-Portfolio is valuable because it can be a learning tool for both teachers & students, a platform for sharing resources, a point of collaboration between stakeholders and a one-stop "collection of the student's works and progress".
Use "e-Portfolio" as a collaborative platform for stakeholders to have a common understanding of the needs of the students and how they are progressing would elevate the efficiency of our support.